Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Called or Chosen?

Matt 22:14 For many are called, but few are chosen. KJV

What makes some to be called and others to be chosen?
What does it mean to be chosen?

Merriam Webster’s definition of chosen states:
“one who is the object of choice or of divine favor : an elect person”

Why was Elisha, Mary, Paul, Magdalene, Joseph, or Peter Chosen?

Elisha was minding his business plowing the ground. The prophet Elijah could have chosen and mentor so many. He had a company of prophets. Why Elisha? Why did God cause Elijah to pass by Elisha?

Mary, There were so many beautiful young virgins available. Why Mary? What was it that set her apart?

Paul, a blasphemer. Persecuting Christians and stoning Stephen. I would think he would had been one of the least candidates. Nevertheless, the Lord pursued him all the way to Damascus.

Magdalene, I am sure there where many street women who were in need of a savior. But why did the Lord choose her of all the women who were lost? What made Magdalene chosen?

Joseph a frivolous young boy who only wanted to show his brothers his coat of many colors and found himself going through many years of pain and suffering.

And of course, Peter. So strong, but yet denied Christ three times. In a time of fear and discouragement, he lost himself. But yet, it was this same Peter who the Lord pursued and said “Peter, do you love me?”

Called or Chosen?

Who makes the choice whether you are called or chosen?

I believe we served a great loving God who desires to have all His children chosen. However, beloved, it is my belief that we make that choice.

Many cried out for life transforming glory and power but do not want to pay the price of prayer, worship and spending time with the only one that can make your election sure!

To be chosen will require you to give it all. To pour your very life before Him who calls you. To deny yourself! Are you willing to lay it all down?

Are you called? Or Are you Chosen? I will leave you to answer.

In these final days, we need to define ourselves. Either we belong to him or not!
Strive to be chosen.

He is waiting for you to make that choice.

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